Effective implementation strategies to achieve net-zero portfolios

Bastiaan Pluijmers continues the conversation about decarbonising portfolios in Financial Investigator magazine.

We're always proud to post when our colleagues are in the news. Here, Bastiaan Pluijmers, Head of Investment & Strategy Research continues the conversation In Financial Investigator about how investors can decarbonise their portfolios effectively.

In summary:

  • To fulfil net zero targets, investors must align their actions with IPCC science recommendations.
  • Risks and opportunities can be material from both a financial and non-financial perspective.
  • Investors who adopt this ‘double materiality’ have a better idea of the initiatives that could help build understanding of the non-financial impacts.
  • Three actions to influence change are suitable for most investors to help them fulfil their net zero targets: engagement on emissions with external managers, allocation to impact investments and avoidance of exposure to heavy polluters.

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